September 10, 2008

The Goertzen Family are all still in Prince George. For the last 3 weeks Sam's neutrophil counts have been too low to start his next phase in his protocol. Two weeks ago he was at .1, this week at .2, but he needs to be at .75 in order to begin again. We've been told there is not need to worry or panic that his counts are low. His blood needs more time to recover after a tough 2 months of chemo. We'll get his blood work done again on Sunday and see if its high enough. If it is Sam and I will head to Vancouver for 2 days of therapy. If not, we'll be at home continuing on with what we are doing. There is nothing we can do to increase his numbers...its just a waiting game.

Sam has been going to school most days and he's loving it. We're all getting used to the school, homework, and practice schedules. Lucy loves being back home and has discovered that she likes wild blueberries! They are so big and plentiful this year that I have been picking a little everyday for eating fresh or baking with them. I have a blueberry cake in the oven as I write this. It's a new recipe, so I hope everyone likes it.

It feels great to get caught up with stuff here at home. We've had doctor, dentist and orthodontist appointments to catch up on while we were away for the summer. I'm trying to get all the paperwork build up in order, along with de-junking for our street garage sale. Katelyn is hoping to go on a Mexico mission trip to build a house and provide some children's evangelism programs to the kids in the area during the Christmas Break, so the proceeds will go towards that.

Please join us in praying for his counts and that he will continue to be strengthened by God physically and emotionally. It's very comforting to be together here in our home, school, church, and city.

Blessings on your day,

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