September 15 - Monday

Sam's counts are good. Yesterday's blood tests showed a WBC of 4.3 and an ANC of 2.8 which means he's good to go for his next round of treatment. Day one of Interim Maintenance should be Wednesday. It will be another 2 month run of treatments with most of it happening in PG except for the spinal injections.

Sam's last three weeks were amazing. He was able to go to school, go to the lake and play with his friends. It was a fabulous and much needed reprieve from the intense chemo he received in July and August. Tomorrow Debbie and Sam leave again for Vancouver. They should stay Tues, Wed, Thurs and come back Friday if all goes well.

We had two wonderful days at Ness Lake with the Uys, Nikkels, Karpenkos and van Delfts. It was like summer until the sun went down and then it felt like September. The kids all enjoyed the lake and the weather was spectacular. Sam used his slalom waterski, which was a goal for him this summer to at least get up on it one time. He made it up on the second try. Landon shocked us with his crazy wake board riding - even trying 360s on his second jump. He's crazy like his dad when it comes to athletic pursuits.

Kate leaves tomorrow to serve in Downtown Vancouver for a week with YWAM and her grade 11 class. She's looking forward to it as she does all her amazing adventures. I watched her summer slide show of her trip to Homewood and sailing in Desolation Sound. She loves adventure.

Karly was thrilled to make the Sr Girls volleyball team and has enjoyed playing for the first time with her big sister. They'll get two years of playing together before Kate graduates next year.

The grade 12s all left for sailing off Victoria on the Pacific Grace. It was hard to see them off and not go with them. I've been on SALTS four times and each time it is an adventure with fond memories of getting to know the grade 12 students. This year wasn't a good year for a week away from family and as it turns out, Sam and Debbie will be in Vancouver and Karly and I will be in PG while Kate serves in YWAM.

Thanks again for all your prayers. We keep praying that Sam is being cured, one day at a time, over this long journey.

Good night,



Unknown said...

Hi Debbie,

It's great to know that both our boys' counts are up this week and can resume their treatments. We will also be at the clinic on Wednesday and Thursday (both days @ 1:15pm). Jayden is getting his ARA-C only. So the visits will (or should) be short. When we are at the clinic, I will check with the nurse to see if you and Sam are also there. We would love to meet you and Sam, too!


Dennis Doerksen said...

Hey Goertzens,

We've been following along on the blog over the summer. We think of you often. I wish we could see more of you. It must be nice to be settled into something of a routine after a different sort of life lately. I got back from a 5 day ride on Monday night. Best ever! Some pics: