October 25, 2008 a

Sam has had a good week. The highlight of his week was playing volleyball. The grade 6/7 boys have a game each week playing other city elementary schools. This past Thursday was the first game Sam was able to attend. He was a little sore after the game and rested most of the evening, but it' was totally worth it for him. He's doing what he loves to do, so what's a little soreness and tiredness? Ger and I both went to watch him and the team play. We don't know how many games he'll be able to play this season, so we'll try to get to them all. We noticed he had the palest pallor of all the kids in the gym.

Sam did not have any treatments this week. On Monday, he gets his blood work done and if his counts are high enough he receives his last treatment in the "Interim Maintenance Phase!" Yeah, yeah, yeah, another page done in his protocol. We are praying for high enough numbers so he can continue without delay.

To the Doerksen Family...I'm sorry I missed Aunt Lil's funeral. I heard from Dad, Donna, Kay and George that it was beautiful and so very honoring. I have been reading her books again and am amazed at the energy she had, the incredible responsibilities she had to raise her 28 girls, find sponsors for them all, raise money for food, education, and the mission. Not to mention her own support! Thank you Aunt Mae and to your family for all you did these many years caring for her and coordinating a lovely celebration of her life. I'm not sure heaven will ever be the same with Aunt Lil! We are also grieving with Angie and the loss of her baby. How wonderful that Grandma Lil will be meeting and caring for her. I wonder if there are family reunions in heaven?

It's been a challenging few weeks, yet the reminders of God's love is so evident! His love is so constant, intimate, unshakable and merciful. It has been a healing refuge for us.

Our hope is in the Lord!


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