Sam and I are back safely in Prince Goerge...which looks like a winter wonderland. This was the cause of our 4 day delay...too much snow in a very short period of time and strong cross winds which the larger jets could not land in. We are happy to be home.
While Sam and I were gone for the week, Ger, K8 and Karly were busy with school, meetings, coaching, basketball games, practices and shovelling. My nephew, Mike came and picked us up at the airport because the rest of our family was involved in basketball activities. We had a homecoming dinner together and the girls began packing for their tournament in Williams Lake. We had hoped that I could go with them, to cheer them on and spend some time with them, but Sam had a delayed reactiion to the 2 spinal taps he recieved just 7 days apart, along with 5 other chemo injections. (We were at the hospital for 4 consecutive days for treatment in Vancouver). He is suffering with severe headaches. Yesterday, after we said goodbye to the team, I gave him some Advil and he felt better than he had in a week. He asked if I could take him sledding so we drove to the hill and on the way we saw 4 deer eating their lunch. They were in our friends backyard a few houses down munching away at their cedar bushes. We watched from the car and then went to get a closer look on foot...pretty amazing...there was even a baby Bambi. With all the snow in the last week, there was a lot of beautiful white powder on the hill. We trudged up the hill, making a step path, broke a toboganning trail, and had a blast floating down the hill, faster with every run. Sam needed a few rests in between runs, but he was so happy to be outside playing after a long stint of being inside.
Sam was still feeling great a few hours later when he was invited to go snowboarding with his best buddies on our small local hill in town. Ger and I were not prepared to let him go, but he called down to his nurse in Vancouver and she said "If you are feeling up to it, let it rip!" Ger had to go and coach his team, so I stayed home catching up on stuff around the house and to be close by in case Sam needed to be picked up early. We didn't think he'd make more than 3 runs the whole evening, but Sam being Sam, he boarded the whole time they were there, loving every minute of it. He came home tired and very happy. Unfortunately when the advil wore off the head pain was still there and he had a rough night. We can't give him any more Advil and the other pain relief the doctor prescribed doesn't work as well, but it's safer. So he has to remain lying down and sip on coke or coffee. Guess which one he chose? We continue to monitor his temperature, which has been higher than normal the past 2 days, which we were told was because of the pain he is experiencing.
Due to all the chemo therapy and spinals he has received this month, his blood counts will begin to drop rapidly in the next few days. He will become immune supressed (Neutropenic) and he may need a blood transfusiion. On Monday, the poor guy has to go again to the hospital for Vincristine and PEG injections (3 shots in the leg) and have his blood counts checked. It is an all day affair, because the PEG can set off an allergic reaction. Christine, his chemo nurse has to montior him for 5 hours after the injection. Since December 29 he has recieved 26 chemotherapy drugs and his body has been hit hard...that's why they call it "Delayed Intensification." It made my heart very glad to see him enjoying a few hours of fun winter activities.
What has kept us going, especially Sam, this past 6 weeks, is that he is very close to finishing the most challenging and truamatic 8 months of his protocol. It is very difficult for Ger and I to look back at the begining of the blog and a journal we kept and read the day to day things we were forced to experience when Sam was diagnosed. Yet we are also overwhelmed and awed to see how God has cared for Sam and our family in such detailed and intimate ways. Family, friends, classmates, colleagues, church family, acquaintances and strangers have all played significant roles in our lives these past 8 months. We have received so much support and care from so many people.
We will never forget the year 2008 and the difficult family circumstances we have had to endure. At the same time we will never forget God's faithfulness and the goodness of all of you who have touched our lives. May God bless you for the encouragement you have been to us. We know and are completely aware that God has perfect knowledge of what is to happen in each day of each of our lives. We are not exempt from calamity or harm, but we can be assured, convinced and comforted by His desire to be present in our lives, no matter what we experience. God has built up our faith, shaped and remolded our character, walked through the dark times with us and given us joy and reasons to keep celebrating.
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
- Joshua 1:9
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