Sam and I went to our appointment at BCCH for 1pm. On the way in, Sam left to go sign in while I got the parking ticket. As I approached the door, Sam didn't make it inside - he had his head in his bucket. He really feels lousy.
Cecilia was our nurse today. She gave him his meds and then she saw his bucket (which I had cleaned out again). "Are you guys Christians?" she asked, "isn't that a verse from the bible on there?"
Sam explained to her that we were Christians and that's why we wrote those verses on his bucket. She saw they were worn off (from multiple washings) and she said, "You should write them on there again! I'm going to pray for you guys. I go to Willingdon Church in Burnaby."
We shared some stories because that was my home church during my university years and my father is still on the elders board there. It was a very encouraging time to have with our chemo nurse.
On Saturday they de-accessed Sam's VAD and he's free again until Wednesday. We've been waking him up to keep the anti-nausea medicine in his system every 8 hours and that seems to be helping considerably with his being able to keep down food.
This morning Debbie and I went for a long bike ride along the seaside route which goes all the way along the ocean to False Creek, around the Science Centre and then into Stanley Park. We didn't do Stanley Park today but we're planning to try it tomorrow with Sam and Karly and friends and a tandem bike.
On Sunday I went to my camp friend, Norm Funk's, new church on Burrard Street. It is in a movie theatre. That was really interesting. Norm was on holiday but the pastor was great and he spoke about Providence - that God is sovereign in all things and God works things out for good to those who love him. It was a great message for me to hear. Karly liked the music as well.
It is amazing how we all go up and down with Sam's health. When he feels good (as he has for 3 days now) we all feel 'up'. But when he feels lousy, it is very difficult. I guess the hardest thing is to watch a child suffer. We would trade with him in heatbeat if it was possible.
God has taught us so much about trusting in his providence. Today we looked in our 'trust fund for Sam' which was started by the Cedars community back in May. The Shave for the Brave day at school raised over 10,000 dollars to help us with our expenses in Sam's treatment. We noticed that yesterday a group of Bank of Montreal employees contributed $700 to Sam's trust fund. How amazing is that? I'm not sure who these people are but it sure is a blessing to be blessed by people. The travel, parking fees, running two homes, gas, prescriptions etc are quite a strain on our budget. Debbie and I spoke again today on how we cannot succumb to our tendency to worry about these things - God has taken care of us through the hands of his people and he will continue to help us through the coming years with Debbie staying home with Sam.
So many great things to be thankful for everyday. Who would have thought you could learn so many good things from such a tough journey.
Good night,
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