August 5/6

Yesterday we had some fun riding around Stanley Park with the Macdonalds and Hansons. Sam had a tandem bike with me. The tandem bike was great until he decided that the front seat was really more suited to him than the back seat. We gave that a go for about 300m and then realized that we would probably go for a swim aftern plunging down a rocky cliff if we continued for more than a few minutes. The big heavy guy doesn't work at the back. The big heavy guy who worries about where exactly we're going and has no control over the matter, really doesn't work. I got the front for the rest of the trip.

In the afternoon we toured around China town for a bit (but the smells were pretty hard for Sam) and then went home. We played a little croquet in the afternoon and then settled down for an uneventful evening.

Today we're back at BCCH for more Ara-C and he'll have to be re-accessed. Binder says we may need a blood transfusion as well so we'll see how long a day this becomes. If he doesn't need one, we'll be out of there in a few minutes.

I bought milk the other day and noticed the expiry date is now past the date of my return to work in Prince George. That was kind of wierd. Do any of you actually think about the calendar and what you have to do on it, by thinking about the expiry date on milk products? Anyway, I'll be back at work before that milk goes bad.

Have a great day. Gotta go put the EMLA cream on Sam's VAD so that he doesn't feel the 3/4 inch needle go into his chest this morning.

It's a sunny day in Vancouver... again. You have to like this weather - a lot!



Dennis Doerksen said...

Hi Sam,

Hope you're having a good day. Big day around here. I finally got an email, even if it was Spam from Shaw cable.

Your Uncle Doug and I went on a motorcycle trip with some folks this weekend. We were coming into Vernon from Lumby and saw the turn off to Kalamalka Lake. It reminded me of you and the good times I read you had there this summer. I was tempted to turn off and see the lake, but I had a long string of hungry bikers behind me, and I didn't want to do anything to keep them from their supper any longer than necessary. You should see these people eat! I didn't want to become the appetizer.

Your Dad has been talking about going back to work. I hope that doesn't mean that summer is almost over. It has sure been nice, at least for me. Sounds like you've been making the best of it, considering. Visits, fun at the lake, outings, bike rides, scooter trippin' and a bunch of other stuff. Made my summer seem dull by comparison, although I'm not complaining. I got in some nice rides and got some yard work done with more to go. Wahoo!

Say hi to your family for me. Tell your parents I've been enjoying the blog. Get better. See ya.

U. Dennis

Anonymous said...

To the Geortzen Family

Kelly here from the Prince George Bank of Montreal, just wanted to say HI and send well wishes to the family from everyone here at the bank! Hope Sam is feeling better today! :) I received a request to contact the family to let you know who donated the $700 to Sam's conquering of A.L.L. It was all the employees here at the bank that contributed the funds. We hope and pray that the family is making it through such a hard time and wanted to do our part to help ease some of the financial worries that may arise.

Take Care
Everyone from BMO Bank of Montreal
Prince George, BC

One Mom said...

Okay, we're obviously both sick. I ALWAYS look at the expiry dates in conjunction with 'life events' - birthdays, anniversaries etc.

Glad to know I'm not the only weird one out there!

Pam Teichman-Saulters