August 16 Saturday

We had to go in to BCCH yesterday to get blood tests done. Turns out Sam has a Platelet count of only 10 (normal is 180 to 400) so he had to get a platelet transfusion. We got out of there about 2pm. Debbie and I went to my parent's house to help them with their move packing. My dad and I put up a new chandelier and Debbie helped my mom with stuff in the basement. It has been so good to be close to my parents during the summer. We have enjoyed getting together with them each week and seeing them. It makes me wish we lived closer.

Today the Uys come for one last visit before the end of the summer. Sam is so looking forward to seeing his friends Landon and Rylan. Today we pack up three months of accumulated stuff and tomorrow I drive home to PG to start work on Monday. It is hard to believe the summer is over and Debbie is back to doing the hospital stuff alone again.

Thanks for all your thoughts, prayers and practical help.


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