December 2, 2008

Sam spent another day at home with his mom. He did some homework and helped his mom with the first batch of christmas cookies. He came by my office after school today to get me to pump up his new basketball which he received yesterday from one of Kate's friends in Ontario. Joel got Sam a signed basketball from the Toronto Raptors, a signed jersey from the Toronto Blue Jays and a huge care package for Kate and a bunch of their camp friends. It was fun to see all the quirky, thoughtful, funny things Joel sent and the notes that went with each item. We had a great laugh at all the stuff and it really made Sam's day.

Today I received an envelope and once again the grace of God is evidenced by the kindness of our friends who know just what we need. It was full of Starbucks cards for the kids. I don't know how it is that when we're feeling a little low, someone comes along to brighten our day. This journey is filled with so many ups and downs. Our friends have sure made the difference in helping us on our way.

This morning I got up early and started up the school bus, did the pre-trip check and got it ready for my big Class 4 Road Test. I've been procrastinating getting my bus licence because I didn't really want to have to drive the school's bus but I finally broke down and did it with another high school teacher. Shane and I have been working on the details of the pre-trip check for about 2 weeks. We put together a checklist and then practiced it together nearly every day. The day after the snow shovel attacked me in the garage I stood up after checking the front wheel and smashed my head into the great big side mirror. I even did it again today when I did my actual test... I can't believe it...

My pre-trip went well (about 42 things you have to memorize and check for the evaluator) and then I went on the road test. I started chatting with the evaluator and told him that we use this bus for YWAM trips with our grade 11s so that they can serve the homeless people in east Vancouver. He said he's been on that trip before with his church. I thought I had a pretty good chance of passing my test!

I only lost demerits for going too slow, if you can believe that. Yesterday when I did my practice test with Jill, she said I was going too fast and so today I overcompensated and went too slow. "What the heck are you going 43km/h for in a 60km/h zone?" David the evaluator asked. "I was trying not the fail this test," I answered. "Well you lose just as many points for going too slow as going too fast!"

This I didn't know!

Anyway, if that's the worst I did - 5 points off for going to slow - I guess I can live with that. Probably the first time in my life I've been penalized for going too slow. Actually that's not true. I went go-karting with my good friend Joel one time and we had to put down a $400 deposit on these high speed go-karts. If you bumped into someone or damaged the go-kart in any way you lost your deposit. Joel went crazy and I drove so slow I was mocked for years! Even at that speed I got nauseated and felt like a sea-sick sailor!

We're in the last really bad phase of Sam's treatment right now which is hard but also good. It means the end of these difficult phases is in sight. Maintenance is long - an 84 day cycle of chemo with three Spinal Injections - and he has to do that 84 day cycle 12 times... but they say it is life as normal for Sam and he won't feel too badly. We're really looking forward to that. I'll never forget seeing that little boy in the BCCH waiting room on his last day of treatment... that day will come for Sam...

Thanks for your prayers.



Martin said...

Hi guys,

So great to catch up on the Goertzen's adventures...Laughed out loud and the head bonking stories Gerry. Very cool about the bball and the jersey Sam - I bet they are awesome and I can't wait to see them. Seems strange to read about all the traditional Christmas stuff you are doing - we can barely make toast without sweating so to make Christmas cookies is too hot to think about right now. Glad to hear you passed your test too Ger - well done. Take care you all.

The Martins

Heather said...

Hello Goertzens!
It was so good to have a good chat with Deb last week! Good thing we talked then, cuz life's a little crazy now as we head into final rehearsals for the Christmas musical production. Cam and I both caught a nasty flu bug, he started on Saturday (why does he have to use the throne as a megaphone??) and we all trembled in fear for the next one to catch it. Sure enough, Tuesday afternoon, it was my turn. Trying to bleach everything anyone might touch and stay upright, not succeeding 100% with the staying upright.

Ger - it's so healthy to laugh at oneself, isn't it? Thanks for sharing - I needed that laugh! I get frequent opportunities with this production. The choreography challenges me - I struggle with walking and chewing gum, never mind singing and dancing! Hope I can shake my dizziness by this afternoon. Not sure if I should attend tonight's practice, don't need the whole Company down with this.

Boy, if Sam feels like this everyday, my respect for him is immense. So if Sam can do his homework while he feels crummy, then I can work on my project, too. Thanks, Sam! Hope you enjoy the excellent b-ball gear.

You guys are always an encouragement to me - here's loving you long distance, friends.

Unknown said...

Hi Debbie,

Sam is such a good boy...willing to eat vegetables and fruits even though they are not his preference. I tried using different tactics with Jayden but with no success. But that's ok...I am not discouraged...I will try again when Delayed Intensification starts. :-)

The elf dancing is free. My friend shared her dance with us and then I went to the website and created my own account. You will have to pay if you want to download and save a copy of the dance. Otherwise, it's free to share it online.

Merry Christmas to you and your family!


Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel any better, Gerry, I too hit my head on the pre-trip examination! Too funny...


Anonymous said...