This past Thursday and Friday, Sam had a check up with his pediatrician and a chemo treatment. On Friday night we got his blood count results and they are the best they have been in over 6 weeeks! We are very thankful for this. Sam will stay on a decreased dose of oral chemo medications until Dr. Bond, from Children's Hospial, tells us otherwise.
Katelyn, Sam and I did not catch Ger and Karly's bronchitis. Thank you for your prayers regarding that. Ger and Karly are feeling much better but the cough and tiredness keeps lingering.
Sam has been waiting all winter to go snowboarding on Purden Mountain (just an hour east of Prince Goerge). After his increased numbers with his bloodwork on Friday, we gave him the go ahead. He was very excited to join his freind, Landon and thier family, for a great day of "spring skiing." There was plenty of snow, sun, and powder to be enjoyed on the mountain. Unfortunately there is still a lot of snow and powder also in Prince Goerge. Everyone is anxiously awaiting for the snow to melt and spring to arrive in full bloom!
Sam and I will be in Vancouver at the end of the month for another check up and spinal tap...we know we'll get some springier weather then.
Hope you have a great week, Debbie
hi sam you look like you're recoving REALLY fast .(that's just me though.)I hope you have a good weekend. bye
Hey Sam! I hope your feeling well. Love ya!
-Hannah G.
Hi Sam I have seen you out in your drive way the past couple of days shooting hoops. I stood at from my window and watched as many balls swished through the net! Nothing But Net.
Have a good long weekend,
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