July 31

On the way into the clinic we stopped at the free hot dog stand outside BCCH and I asked Sam if he wanted one (he was carrying his bucket and didn't look too healthy) but he said, "Yup, might as well give it a try I think they're pretty good although I've never tried it. They always have this on Thursdays outside the clinic but I've never stopped for a burger before." He kept it down and that was a great surprise!

We went for Sam's Ara C IV injection and for the first time the nurse couldn't get a blood return (the VAD wasn't working). We weren't exactly sure why this happened but the nurse took out the access needle he got yesterday and re-inserted a new one in today. Sam thinks for sure it was when his mom tried to kiss him this morning and he wrestled her away from him and bumped his VAD needle. Anyway, the new one worked just fine. He had the new needle inserted without EMLA cream (skin numbing cream). It hurt a little but he wasn't keen on waiting around in there any longer than he needed to.

Tonight we're having Phil and Noni and their kids over for dinner before they head off to Manitoba for relative visiting... tomorrow, back to the hospital for more chemo.

It rained all day today so I guess our month of sunshine has come to an end. It didn't stop us from going through the woods today with Lucy though and having a great run through the rain forest near UBC.

I read this today in the book of Acts...

Acts 14:17 He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy."(NIV)

Each day, we have much to be thankful for as a family as we walk this road.

Thanks for your notes and prayers and support.



Anonymous said...

Hi there,

It was great to see your latest pictures. It must have meant so much to your family to have those few precious days together in such a perfect location.

Can you ask your Uncle Mike if he wants a few more family members added to his family (say four)?!! Just kidding!

Sam, you looked pretty good on the wakeboard. I bet that was a highlight for you (or was is driving the 4x4)?

Be strong and courageous these next few weeks. We are praying for you.

The Wessners

Anonymous said...

It must have been so perfect to get away from "being sick" for a few days. What a wonderful break God provided.
It is a rainy day here in PG too so that means some school prep.
I keep praying that Sam has the strength and the two of you have the strength to keep on keeping on. Thankfully the Lord provides!
Thanks for the continual updates. It is so great to see how you trust in the Lord through all of this.
Shirley Madsen

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys,

Love all the updates and the new pics. Summer for the Goertzen's seems pretty 'normal' after all when you get to go the lake...We are very happy that you all got to make it up there. We are headed to Hornby for a bit of summer ourselves - just can't seem to get away from that beach. We will try to get in touch on our way through if it works out. Love to you all, keep up the posts.


The Martin's

Anonymous said...

howdy sam and crew, this weekend sarah and i are headed out to our cabin we are very hyped about this! today i finished my speech arts camp it turned out that my part in the play was a servant and my brothers father go figure! when he kneels he's still taller then me {scary} well we are going to our wedding this thursday and we are hoping to connect with you if all things go accordingly if you think this will work out could you give us a call that would be great! i am quite board , without you around sam but i survive barely lol! congrats carly on the summer games well i better go pack i miss you